to change background:
export const generateTexture = (text) => {
// Set variables
const bitmapShift = 80;
const copyAmount = 4;
const canvasSize = 300;
const fontSize = canvasSize / copyAmount;
const fontStyle = `Bold ${fontSize}px Arial`;
// Create canvas
const bitmap = document.createElement("canvas");
bitmap.height = canvasSize;
// Create 2d context
const g = bitmap.getContext("2d");
g.font = fontStyle;
bitmap.width = g.measureText(text).width;
// Add font style again
g.fillStyle = "blue";
g.font = fontStyle;
// Add text on the canvas
const scaledText = (index) =>
g.fillText(text, 0, fontSize * ++index - bitmapShift);
Array(copyAmount + 1)
.forEach((item, i) => {
const background = bitmap.toDataURL("image/png");
return background;
to insert images:
change size
to insert link in images:
to insert a file into document:
to make image shake:
this frog is insane bro
the councel will decide your fate